
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cute Little Bottles for Buttons

Wow, 66 degrees here in the Twin Cities yesterday!  A record breaker for sure.  The old record was 59 degrees in 1878.

When the weather gets nice, I love getting outside and walking.  I did that yesterday but maybe I should have thought more about where I was going.

Some of the trails in the park are used for cross country skiing and therefore the snow isn't removed from them.  Oh well, it was fine if you walked carefully.

{Operation Organize the Craft Room}
When I was looking for a jar in my parents basement for my chalkboard jar project, my dad showed me these super cute little milk bottles.

He said they were in a box of stuff he bought at a sale for $3.  I knew right away I had to have them.  I even had an idea for them.

Aren't they a cute way to store buttons?

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