
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dr. Pepper Chicken

I very rarely drink soda pop - like maybe once every three months or so.  But that doesn't mean I don't like it.  I just don't think it's good for me so I don't drink it much.

When I do have pop it is usually Root Beer or 7-Up.  {Why am I suddenly craving Cherry 7-Up?}  But I do like Dr. Pepper too so when I saw this recipe by Thirty Handmade Days I knew I had to try it.  {Because I really like chicken and finding new ways to fix it.}

It was great!  I loved the sweet barbecue flavor.  The recipe was super easy with only a few ingredients.  I mixed the brown sugar with the other ingredients and baked it for 40 minutes or so.  {One hour just sounded to long to me.}

Lynn's recipe rating [keep or toss]: Keep!

I also recently made these Baked Chicken Meatballs from Tracey's Culinary Adventures.  There were super good as well and I was surprised at how quick and easy they were to make.

Lynn's recipe rating [keep or toss]: Keep!

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