
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Prosciutto, Asparagus and Parmesan Spaghetti

Happy Mother's Day!

My mom is the person who taught me how to sew and cook.  My mom is an awesome gardener as well.  Every year she plants a vegetable garden.  {Which she has done forever.}  Every year she grows asparagus.  {or maybe it is the asparagus grows every year.}  Despite growing up with asparagus in our garden every spring, I tried it for the first time last year.  My mom roasted it and it was delicious.  I guess it's never too late to try a new vegetable.

{Pinterest Challenge}

Yesterday I made this recipe {excluding the red pepper flakes} which I found on pinterest.

It came together really fast and it was very yummy.

I had some strawberries with it.  My mom also grew strawberries in the garden {and I remember picking them - not one of my favorite things when I was little.} but I don't think she does anymore.

Lynn's recipe rating [keep or toss]:  Keep!

I love you mom!

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